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10 Reasons Why I Recommend Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) to Your Store

Nov 04, 2022

Retail shops have always used printed labels to identify each item for sale. These can be printed and tagged onto the thing, put to windows or other more extensive displays, or fastened to the shelf above or below the product display. Electronic shelf tags, however, offer several advantages that cannot be ignored in light of the current day.

More and more storage and network managers are looking to take advantage of emerging technology to boost revenue, improve the customer experience, and streamline operations.

New opportunities for implementing a successful growth and customer satisfaction strategy have arisen with introducing digital shelf tags labeling systems to the market.

With the advent of hyperconnected electronic labeling technologies, several advantages accrue to esl store owners and shoppers alike. If you're trying to decide if a digital signage solution is best for you, these are the top ten reasons to go that route.


Electronic shelf labels in stores

1. Exhibiting Data Live in Store:

Both customers and cash register operators can benefit from the real-time in-store display's safe and dependable data transmission. Any store manager will tell you that managing the price tags is one of their biggest headaches.

All displays can be managed from a central location and are automatically updated to reflect any new inventory, specials, or categories of goods (such as fresh fruit, groceries, toys, clothing, books, etc.). Because of this, prices may be managed in real-time, and clients can rest assured that the prices they see are accurate.

2. Standardization and Management of Information:

As a result, electronic labeling solutions are becoming increasingly crucial for managing information presented to the consumer in real-time and at any location.

Your locations may be updated and alerted to any modifications or new displays at once, thanks to cloud control (price changes). It can also tailor promotions and prices to individual stores or points of sale.

3. Promotional and Advertising Content Presentation:

Maintaining consistent pricing throughout the shop is a time-consuming and crucial part of in-store display management, whether you're trying to account for sales periods, holidays, stock clearance, flyer discounts, or anything else. Margin management and advertising effectiveness are both enhanced by the constant visibility of deals, percentages off, and other consumer savings information.


Adervertising content

4. Effortless Use of Time and Money:

The modernization of the point-of-sale system presents several issues, one of which is managing time, particularly the time of employees.

New sales formats, such as e-commerce, consignment, and rental, might increase a store's need for time spent on handling and labeling products. A company's productivity and bottom line might take a nosedive if its managers have to spend too much time on administrative activities.

When combined inside a sales network, the synergy between a store's point-of-sale (POS) and electronic label management system can exponentially increase the store's ROI. Through the control of POS terminals by one or more master accounts, profits would scale with the growth of the network.

5. Traceability:

When it comes to handling rented things, re-commerce, or leasing, electronic labeling can greatly assist product traceability. It puts all the pertinent data the customer needs within easy reach on the screen:

  • Where they came from

  • Expires by a specific time, has a "Best before," or indicates it is about to go bad

  • Terms and conditions of rentals

  • Details about shipments on consignment

  • This is a refurbished or previously owned item.

  • Last Chance for a Sale

  • Specifics about the item's dimensions, capacity, and intended application

When all relevant information about a product is presented, the consumer is more likely to be pleased with their purchase. Because of this, more of the store's staff may focus on customer service and other relevant responsibilities.

6. The Customer's Opinion and the Quality of Service Received:

Indicators of customer satisfaction include consumer retention and participation. One of the essential things for POS managers is using the electronic display to enhance the in-store customer experience.

For instance, consumers have an easier time identifying (due to colors) promotional products and gaining quick access to information about the product they're considering purchasing, like its price and origin. Some electronic label providers enable colorization or the inclusion of product pictures, making it easy to readily identify the electronic price tag according to the product regardless of its location on the shelf.

7. In-Stock Requirements and Inventory Management:

Inventory management is essential when running a successful physical or digital store. However, this does not imply that it is an unoptimizable problem. Each label, for instance, can be geolocated within the POS system, making it more straightforward for staff to locate specific products when they need to be restocked.

Electronic labeling also offers the advantage of informing customers of the total quantity of the products provided, even if not all of them are now on display.


Preserving food in the jar

8. Preserving Food:

Sometimes, it's not easy to find the expiration date on a product. Customers can easily see products' sell-by dates on electronic displays. It allows the product manager to set up automated pricing changes and discounting for products once the consumption period has ended.

This enables the manager, for instance, to programmatically promote products with 50% discount 48 hours before they expire. Better inventory management and happier customers are the direct outcomes of displaying and automating expiration dates, prices, and discounts.

9. Correction of Past Mistakes:

Many unsatisfied customers have voiced their opinions online about these inconsistencies, which can harm a company's reputation. Assisting in eliminating human mistakes in the placement of labels on shelves, an automated labeling solution can be a great help.

Once installed, labels can glide on their shelves and receive automatic updates from afar via an infrared or high-frequency connection, thus reducing the need for manual labor on the part of store employees.

10. Additional Product Details Revealed:

Electronic shelf tags are an excellent tool for localized advertising efforts. The customer's smartphone can be used to scan the barcodes displayed on the high-tech, high-resolution displays to learn more about the item.

After linking via mobile device, consumers may be sent ads tailored to their specific interests based on their purchase history, search queries, and social media engagement. Putting up good reviews of the product is another way to boost sales.


The retail industry is being swept up in the digital revolution, with digital price tags and other forms of automation. You can improve the shopping experience for customers while also boosting the productivity of your in-store staff thanks to the advent of digital payment options. Improve your store's capabilities to save labor and material expenses and increase productivity, all while providing superior service to your customers.