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How to do Asset Tagging? A Short Guide!

Feb 03, 2023

Asset labels have become necessary for business owners since they satisfy the requirement of maintaining record validity. Asset tagging makes it simple to manage your physical capital and make educated decisions on your physical inventory and assets, such as asset replacement or asset repair. Moreover, insurance companies and the police department are aided in locating stolen property by these asset labels. 

So, you can see how asset tags for equipment or physical capital are essential. Thus, in this article, we will look at how to label assets. Let's go!


Asset tag on medical devices

What is Asset Tagging?

Asset tagging or Asset labeling is the process of attaching asset tags, usually referred to as identifying tags or labels, to assets. Both mobile and permanent assets employ asset tagging to identify particular assets during the course of their useful life.

Asset tags, which are often printed with barcodes, can be scanned with a handheld barcode reader or a smartphone that has a barcode scanning app to retrieve and record information on an asset's maintenance history, specifics, or location. Electronic shelf labels are the perfect example of asset labels.

Why is Asset Tagging Important?

  • Tracking consumption, maintenance, and repair activities will be more straightforward.

  • Eliminates the need to search for equipment history and data.

  • Reduces the complexity of accurate data gathering, identifies the stage of its lifecycle and assesses the condition and criticality.

  • The data's dependability makes it possible to make precise and better-informed decisions.

  • It encourages prompt preventive maintenance measures when it forms a component of an integrated maintenance strategy.

How to Do Asset Tagging?

Here we are sharing a step-by-step guide for asset label with barcode.

Step 1- Identify the Asset tag and Type

Identification of the asset type and category is the initial stage in asset tagging. This stage will be simple if you already have a method for classifying equipment and an organized inventory. If not, you will need to put up a strategy to organize your assets.

Step 2- Assign a Unique Identification Number

Each asset must be identified by a unique number that distinguishes it from other assets of the same Type and classification. For maintenance, organizational, and accounting reasons, among others, this ID should be constant. You can also give specific code segments significance based on the classification type you select.

Step 3- Find the Right Tag Type

The appropriate tag must contain the asset's ID. You can choose from a variety of asset tags for equipment, such as RFID, simple, manual, NFC, QR tags and MinewTag ultra-thin E-ink label.

Step 4- Add Basic Info for Tags

After choosing the tag type, you must enter the basic information such as date, location, serial number, etc. This work best for inventory labels.


Traditional info tag

Step 5- Apply Asset Tags

Once the tag is ready, your next step is to place the tag in the right place. Choose the place as per tag type.

Step 6- Implement the Verification Process

The last step of labeling inventory labels is putting tags in the internal process to tag future equipment.


So, this is how to label assets. If you are looking for the best digital labels, then ESL is the best to work with.